Our vision is that everyone in Richmond has opportunities to build healthy and fulfilling lives 

RPLC is an independent charitable foundation that has existed in Richmond since 1786. Our financial endowment allows us to support local residents through our grant making to individuals and organisations.  

Our mission is to strive to be a trusted and collaborative partner, embracing bold ideas and responding flexibly to change. Our partnership projects ensure Richmond’s residents can access high quality support and have fair access to opportunities. 


New website: We are currently building our new website – this will include our new strategy and branding – watch this space!


The Real Junk Food Project held at The Cambrian Centre 

Home-Start operating across Richmond, Kingston and Hounslow 

Vine Road Community Growing Project, Richmond Borough Mind held at Barnes Common 

What we do

1. Grant-making:  through grants to organisations and charities and crisis grants 
2. Education support:  with an Education Grant
3. Charitable properties:  charitable housing, a community centre & Vestry Hall
4. Investment properties:  offices at Vestry House, Dickson House and some residential
5. Non-financial support:  partnership working, community engagement, signposting/pathways

Annual Review & Film

Read our 2023 Annual Review below:


We are pleased to showcase two of our partners, The Holly Lodge Centre and Vineyard Community, in the below film:

Our data Protection, Safeguarding and complaints policies

GDPR regulations require us to seek your active consent to retain personal data on our in-house manual or electronic filing systems. Our policies: Data Protection ConsentSafeguarding Policy, Complaints Policy.